So, many couples who come to Palisade to see The Wedding House venue have looked up at ‘the barn’, scrunched their noses and asked, “What’s that?” It is, in fact, a large structure, placed strategically in view as you turn into the driveway, has a steeple for a hundred year old bell from France, and a cathedral looking door…so it sort of looks like a church! I am happy to say that it is being readied for stucco as I write this, and in about a week it will no longer be a nose-scrunching event. (Thank you, Honey) Actually, I can guarantee it will be quite the opposite!
The “barn’ has a future…it is being discussed…at length….and I will keep you posted! (your ideas are appreciated) Some ideas that have come up are …using it for weddings…receptions…a dance club (lessons)…art lessons…parties, etc… The Grand Junction area needs this barn! lol
footnote: the driveway has been widened and now is finished and lined with rocks.
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